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First day: 18th May 2009

• Dr. Henry Lai, Univ.of Washington, US - “Thermal and non-thermal effects.”


• Dr. Carl Blackman, CFB,US - “The relevance of discovery science for research on the health effects of EMF.”


• Dr. Livio Giuliani, ISPESL / Italy - “The Zhadin effect: a non thermal mechanism of interaction between magnetic fields and living matter.”


• Dr. Martin Blank, Columbia Univ., US - “Stress protein synthesis: a cellular response to EMF interaction with DNA.”


• Round table.


• Dr. Leif Salford, Lund Univ / Sweden - “Effects of mobile phone radiation upon the blood-brain barrier, neurons, gene expression and cognitive function of the mammalian brain.”


• Dr. Michael Kundi, Med. Univ. of Wien, Austria - “Epidemiologic evidence for a relationship between NIR and cancer - a controversial issue.”


• Dr. Franz Adlkofer, Verum Foudation, Germany
“Proof of principle tests confirm the genotoxic potential of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF).”


• Dr. Om P. Gandhi, Univ. of Utah, US
“Underestimation of EMF/NIR exposure for children for mobile telephones and for electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems.”


• Dr. Raymond Neutra, Albany, US - “Risk Assessment and Policy Lessons from the California EMF Program.”


• Dr. Devra Davis, Univ. of Pittsburgh, US - “Lessons from the Center for Environmental Oncology - The Secret History of the War on Cancer: The Pittsburgh experience to promote precaution on cell phones."


• Ms. Elizabeth Kelley, ICEMS, US - “National and International Standards for Worker and Public Exposure to NIR.”



Second day: 19th May 2009

Dr. Adilza Dode, UFMG - “Neoplasias and cellular telephony in the city of Belo Horizonte.”


Dr. Geila R. Vieira, SMS/P.A. - “Non-ionizing radiations: the importance of practicing vigilance on environmental health of a population.”


Dr. Sergio Koifman, ENSP/FioCruz
“Exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields and mortality by childhood leukemia: exploratory analysis of its association in the city of São Paulo.”


Dr. Carlos Eduardo C. Abrahão, SMS/Campinas - “A Revision of the Brazilian Medical Ethics Code in 2009: Inclusion of the Precautionary Principle.”


Dr. Beltrami, CGVAM/ MS: “Analysis and perspectives of the Ministry of Health on managing health under human exposure to NIR in Brazil.”


Prof. Francisco de A. F. Tejo, UFCG - “Health impacts of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields: the necessity to adopt the precautionary principle.”


Dr. Renato Rocha Lieber, UNESP/SP - “Risk, prevention and precaution in the technological disasters.”


Dr. Ana Maria M. Marchesan, MP/RS - “Radio-base stations and the action of the MP in the tutelage of the environment.”


Dr. Anaíza Malhardes Miranda, MP/RJ - “The precautionary principle and the environmental licensing of RBS: regulamentation in the state of Rio de Janeiro.”


Dr. Tarcisio Neves da Cunha, FioCruz/INCA - “Vigilance on environmental health related to RNI.”


Dr. Solange R. Schaffer - Fundacentro/MTE - “Management of occupational exposure to NIR.”


Dr. José Antonio S. Bulcão – Furnas - “Risk perception of utility workers about the effects of ELF fields."


Dr. César N. Vargas - SINTRESC/SC - “Hazards of 60 Hz EMF to health of utility workers.”


Dr. Robson Spinelli Gomes - Fundacentro/MTE - “Analysis of occupational exposure to EMF in the sector of cellular telephony.”


Prof. Claudio R. Fernández – IFSUL - ”The distance between discourse and practice in the management of risks of technicians working in installation and maintenance of antennas of cellular telephony.”


Eng. Antonio Marini de Almeida – CPqD - “Measurements of EMF in the work places.”


Dr. Francisco Antonio B. Corrêa - SINTTEL/RS - “The NIR and the telecommunication workers.”


Prof. Hélio A. da Silva, UFJF - “Why a municipal Law to NIR is necessary.”


Dr. Cíntia Schmidt, OAB/RS - “Punctual aspects of Bylaw 8896/02 which rules the RBS in Porto Alegre.”


Eng. Marcos S. Oliveira, ANATEL - “The NIR in the perspective of ANATEL.”


Round table






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