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November 13, 2012 - Rome, Aula Magna Università Roma Tre - 9AM
"Campi elettromagnetici e salute: rischio di un disastro ambientale con il decreto "crescita"?
Convegno scientifico con la presentazione del documento ICEMS sulla sentenza sul caso di tumore indotto da cellulare." view program>
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November, 2012
Tre sentenze delle corti italiane - Three Italian Court sentences
• The Vatican Radio case - Penal Court of Rome view PDF>
• Magdalen Hill case - Penal Court of Appeals of Brescia view PDF>
• The Work-lawsuit case - Civil Court of Appeals of Brescia view PDF>
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November, 2012
ICEMS Issued Papers
Position Paper on the Cerebral Tumor Court Case view PDF>
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September, 2011
ICEMS Workshop 2011/Convegno ICEMS 2011
Venezia, 30 Settembre 2011 - Palazzo Vega, Sala ORO read more>
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March, 2011
Statement on Mobile Phones and the Potential Head Cancer Risk for
the EMF Hearing on EMF, Council of Europe, Paris, February 25,
Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Director, European Environment Agency, and David Gee, Senior Adviser, Science, Policy and Emerging issues view PDF>
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February, 2011
The 7th ICEMS Rome-Florence Workshop
Seminar. Rome, February 17, 2011 read more>
Conference. Florence, February 18, 2011 read more>
Syncarcinogenic effects
of the exposure to low dose of γ radiation and to 50 Hz MF on
mammary gland of
female rats. M.Soffritti, L.Giuliani - Florence, February 18, 2011 read more>
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November, 2010
he first ICEMS' Monograph, "Non-Thermal Effects and Mechanisms of Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter,"is now available to download. Go to the "Press and Papers" section on the left.
read more>
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December 15, 2009
San Francisco USA Mayor Newsom backs posting cell phone radiation emission levels at retail locations in that city where cell phones are sold under a controversial proposal being discussed at the Department of the Environment and endorsed by Mayor Gavin Newsom . read the article >
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December 13, 2009
ICEMS is sponsoring an educational program in San Francisco, California USA, on January 17 2010 entitled: Are cell phones safe?: How teens can avoid risk!.
For more information and to register to attend go to:, enter access code: teensBsafe.
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December 3, 2009
An article in Scientific American reports on a new study published by the Journal of the American Cancer Institute that was done by a Danish scientist. The article, entitled, "Cancer Cells?: Brain Tumor Numbers Steady Despite Increased Mobile Phone Use: Amidst all the chatter about cancer, a new study finds that even as mobile phone use surged in northern Europe, the instance of brain tumors stayed about the same", seeks to dismiss work by Hardell and others whose findings continue to report there are risks. Dr. David Carpernter and Dr. Martin Blank are both quoted in the article and they refer to the August 2009 report called "Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern - Science, Spin and the Truth Behind Interphone".
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November 14, 2009
Elizabeth Kelley, Managing Secretariat of ICEMS, was recognized as a "Friend of the Consumer" by CODACONs, an Italian national consumers organization. President Carlo Renzi said she was being recognized "for her personal and voluntary dedication that has allowed ICEMS - international association of independent scientists - to operate without external financing; by issuing public information to tell the people about the biological hazards related to electromagnetic fields - truth denied by the financial and other related industries that profit by imposing levels of artificial electromagnetic fields that are ten millions time higher than natural levels." Also being recognized this year was Luc Montagnier, MD, who won the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine, for his work on electromagnetic fields; Emilio Del Giudice, PhD, physicist, 2009 Prigogine Medalist and ICEMS member; Esterino Montino, President of the Lazio Region of Italy; Pasquale Viespoli, Italian National Vice Minister; the City of Venice; the City of Salerno; and "Il Mattino", the Newspaper of Naples. Read the notice (in Italian)
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November 3, 2009
An International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields and Health Science pointing to new biologically based standards will be held in Stavanger, Norway on November 17, 2009. This conference is organized by Norges Miljøvernforbund (NMF.) Concerned scientists and other advisors, who are prominent experts in this field, will be speaking or in attendance at this public meeting. For more detail on the program and how to register. We refer you to
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September 26, 2009
U.S. Senators conducted a public hearing on cell phone radiation science in Washinton D.C. on Monday, September 14, 2009. To see full coverage of this hearing, go to:
The Environmental Health Trust and its cosponsors, including the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, convened an international conference, entitled "Expert Conference on Cell Phones and Health: Science and Public Policy Questions" from Sunday, September 13 through 15, 2009. The conference went into recess for the Senate hearing and Dr. Devra L. Davis. Dr. Siegal Sadesky and Dr. Darisucz Leszczynski tesified along with Dr. Olga Naidenko, representing the Environmental Working Group and, Dr. Linda S. Erdrich, of Exponet in New York, NY, who represented the Cellular Telephone and Internet Association. View full coverage of the Congressional hearing and the conference by going to or to Advocates in the Unitd Kingdom and the USA collaborated on a new report released before the conference entitled "Cellphones and Brain Tumors
15 Reasons for Concern: Science, Spin and the Truth Behind Interphone."
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September 25, 2009
The Porto Alegre Resolution, initially dated September 15, 2009, presents the consensus views of those who spoke at the "International Workshop on Non-Ionizing Radiation, Health and Environment" on May 18 and 19, 2009, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This Resolution was agreed to and signed by the participants. Dr. Alvaro A. de Salles and Dr. Geila Vieira, MD were the lead organizers. Conference sponsors included the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul. the Brazilian Health Ministry, the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, the Porto Alegre Environmental Council (COMAM/PA), the Rio Grande do Sul Center for Health Vigilance (CEVS/RS) and others.
Scientists, advocates, organizations and members of the general public who want to sign onto this Resolution can do so by notifying ICEMS at Please send your name, title and affiliation
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July 1, 2009
The international participants who spoke at the EMF Workshop entitled, "Non-Ionizing Radiation: Health and Environment" in Porto Alegre, Brazil sent a letter to the President of Brazil. You can review all the proceedings of this meeting by going to Workshops.
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June 18, 2009
Microwave News keeps us current by reporting on new developments: The French National Government is investigating health risks of mobile phones and antennas; the European BioElectromagnetics Association meeting in Davos, Switzerland, this past week, debated the following question "When Do We Know Enough to Stop Research on the Safety of Wireless Communications?". The Australian government just proposed new extremely low frequency (50-60 Hz) exposure rules that would expose children up to one thousand times over the 3mG safety threshold for childhood leukemia.
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May 18-19, 2009
International NIR Workshop in Brazil. read more >
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April 6, 2009.
European Parliament resolution on health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields, approved on April 2, 2009. Translations issued by Next-up News available here.
Read press release in English
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April 1, 2009.
ICEMS urges the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Poettering and its Members, to take action to protect health from potentially hazardous effects from electromagnetic fields, as they consider proposed resolutions that would address these health concerns on April 2, 2009.
Read PDF: English or Spanish
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March 16, 2009.
A special issue of Pathophysiology on the science and public health/policy issues regarding wireless technologies (cell phones) is now online at Elsevier ScienceDirect .
read more >
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March 9, 2009.
The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection warns on children's use of mobile phones.
read more >
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February 19, 2009.
On Feburary 4, 2009, the French Court of Appeals in Versailles, forced a cell tower company to remove a cellular phone antenna based on their belief that the antennas posed an environmental nuisance to residents nearby. This landmark decision was based, in part, on the Benevento Resolution, issued by ICEMS in 2006, which quoted in the decision as follows:
"...biological effects can be caused by exposure to extremely low frequencies (ELF) as well as to radio frequencies (RF). Epidemiology, in addition to experiments in vivo and in vitro, shows that exposure to certain ELFs can increase the risk of cancer in children and cause other health problems in adults as in children" and encourages governments "to adopt a framework of recommendations dealing with the exposure of the general public and of professionals to electromagnetic fields based on the principle of precaution, as certain countries have already done."
For more information, see the court decision translation by NextUp
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November 5, 2008, an article describing the work of the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety appears in the institutional news section of the latest issue of the European Journal of Oncology entitled, "Scientists challenge bioelectromagnetics foundations," or, "Gli scienziati affrontano i fondamenti del bioelettromagnetismo." (Eur. J. Oncol., vol. 13, n. 3, pp. 193-195, 2008.)
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On June 6,2008, ICEMS announced the release of the Venice Resolution, now signed by 54 concerned scientists. This statement was issued after an international scientific workshop was held, on December 17, 2006, entitled "Foundations of Bioelectromagnetics: Towards a New Rationale for Risk Assessment", organized by local institutions . Participants included many scientists representing the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS). The complete program and proceedings may be found on this website under Workshops. The Venice Resolution can be found under Resolutions.
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September 16, 2007 - Europe's top environmental watchdog is calling for immediate action to reduce EMF exposure.
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August 31, 2007. BioInitiative Report released: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF). An international working group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals document serious scientific concerns about current limits regulating how much EMF is allowable from power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of EMF exposure in daily life. The report concludes the existing standards for public safety are inadequate to protect public health. See press release. See
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July 20, 2007, The German Government has issued a WiFi safety warning, especially for children and youth. The German Federal Ministries for the Environment, Nature Protection and Reactor Safety recommends, in view of the regulated limits, supplementary precautionary measures such as wired cable alternatives are preferred to the WLAN system, especially for children and youth as the question about the age-dependent energy absorption and energy distribution has not yet been satisfactorily answered and schools are called upon to avoid WLAN, if possible.
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Benevento Resolution and selected papers published in the Journal of Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Vol.25, No.4, 2006 . Papers were presented at the 5th ICEMS Workshop held in Benevento, Italy in February 2006, entitled "Precautionary EMF Approach: rationale, legislation and implementation." Among the authors are Martin Blank, Carl Blackman, Olle Johansson, Alvaro de Salles, Mikhail Zhadin, Livio Giuliani, Magda Havas, Frank Barnes, Antoinette Lisi, Settimo Grimaldi et al. (1, 2), Nesrin Seyhan. The full texts of the 2002 Catania and 2006 Benevento Resolutions are also included.
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23 October 2006
The European Commission's Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) prepared a report entitled "Preliminary Report on Electromagnetic Radiation Human Health Effects" in July 2006 and invites interested stakeholders to send their comments on the preliminary opinion by Friday, 3 November 2006; go to For the details, including the comment form to complete and send by email or fax, follow this link:
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19 September, 2006 – Press release on Benevento resolution
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