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International  Scientific Workshop, December 17, 2007, Venice, Italy

Foundations of bioelectromagnetics: towards a new rationale for risk assessment and management

1st Session: Lectures
Chair: Felice Casson
1, Lawyer

9:00 Welcome by the Authorities of the City of Venice and by the Industrial Zone of Venice

9:15 Lectures

Evidence of the interaction of weak electromagnetic fields in the band of UHF and biosystems by means of NLRI
Clarbruno Vedruccio

The replicability of the Zhadin effect and perspectives of application in
diagnostics and therapy
also PP presentation)
Livio Giuliani
3,4, Settimio Grimaldi 3,5, Antonella Lisi 5, Enrico D’Emilia 6

The organization of water as the basis of the biological organization: the special role of the ELF magnetic fields.
Emilio Del Giudice

10:00 Question time

2nd Session: Basic Interactions of ELF
Chair: Morando Soffritti
3,8, MD

10:15 Effects of weak ELF magnetic fields - Interventions

Effects on enzyme activity
Antonella De Ninno 7,9, Agostina Congiu 10, D. Bernardini 11

ELF induced DNA breaks (
also PP presentation)
Henry Lai 7,12

ELF induced micronuclear damage in cells
Mauro Cristaldi10, Ion Udroiu6, Angelico Bedini6, Livio Giuliani

ELF induced stem cell differentation (
also PP presentation)
Antonella Lisi, Settimio Grimaldi, Livio Giuliani, Enrico D’Emilia and Alessandro Giacomello10,13,

11:00 Question time

11:15 Break

3rd Session: Basic Bionteractions due to MWs
Chair: Fiorella Belpoggi
4,8, Ph.D.

11:30 Effects of weak electromagnetic magnetic fields - Interventions

A thermal noise’s analisys in biological matter
Massimo Scalia10, Massimo Sperini10, Fabrizio Guidi10

Effects of weak pulsed electromagnetic fields on gene expression

Fiorenzo Marinelli7,14

Nerve cell damages in mammalian brain due to MWs
Leif Salford7,15

ELF and oxidative stress: in vivo assessment of its central component superoxide radical
C. Georgiou16

Breast cancer diagnosis possibility by means of Vedruccio’s Non-Linear Resonance Interaction Scanner
Francesco Carrozza17

13:00 Question time

13:15 Break

4rth Session: Effects concerning populations and epidemiology
Chair: Louis Slesin
, Ph.D.

14:15 ELF/MW induced effects on populations

Altered dynamic of populations due to MWs: the case of rabbits
Nesrin Seyhan18

Effects on electrosensitive people
(also PP presentation)
Anna Zucchero19

915MHz Electromagnetic Fields Effects on Learning and Memory of the Immature Wistar Rats?
Zhaojin Cao 20

Perspectives in risk management in Italy: the impact of WiMax and Wifi (
PP presentation)
Francesco Boella6, Francesco Mozzo6, Francesco Panin4, Livio Giuliani

15:30 Question time

15:45 Break

16:00 Round Table, Chair: Livio Giuliani

18:30 End
Organizer Committee Livio Giuliani, Gianluca Palma21

1 Senator of the Italian Republic
2 Commander, Italian Navy, Marconi’s law graduated
3 ICEMS Scientific Secretariat
4 Director of ISPESL Department
5 CNR-INMM, Rome
7 ICEMS Steering Committee
8 Fondazione Bernardo Ramazzini, Bologna, Italy
9 ENEA, Frascati
10 Università La Sapienza di Roma – Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Rome
11 Università di Padova
12 University of Washington
13 Università La Sapienza di Roma – Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Rome
14 CNR – IGM, Bologna
15 University of Lund, Neurosurgery
16 University of Patras
17 Hospital Umberto I, Reparto di Oncologia, Lugo di Romagna, Ravenna
18 Gazi University of Ankara
19 MD of the Public Health Authorithy of Venice
20 China NIEHS, Beijing
21 Ente Zona Industriale di Venezia, General Manager





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