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Signing on to the Venice Resolution
Criteria and instructions for individuals or organizations who want to apply are as follows:
Scientists: If you have a medical degree (MD) or, a doctorate (PhD) or, an equivalent advanced degree, or, if you have a masters’ degree, in engineering or medical sciences with proven experience in the area, you can apply to have your name added to the initial list of signers by submitting:
Your name and title as you wish it to appear;
A brief biographical resume, including a record of peer reviewed publications over the past 5 years. Please, keep it to no more than 250 words. Also, refer to the format used in posting the names, titles and bio statements of the initial signers .
Public supporters: Individuals, who support us, please send us you name and email address and we will keep you informed of developments
Send your request or questions to info@icems.eu
Note: Biographical statements for the signatories may be located under one of the resolutions. The signatories to these resolutions, have signed as individuals, giving their professional affiliations, but this does not necessarily mean that this represents the views of their employers or the professional organizations they are affiliated with.
The Venice Resolution
Initiated by the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety,
June 6, 2008.
As stated in the Benevento Resolution of September 2006, we remain concerned about the effects of human exposure to electromagnetic fields on health. At the Venice Workshop, entitled, “Foundations of bioelectromagnetics: towards a new rationale for risk assessment and management,” we discussed electro-hypersensitivity, blood brain barrier changes, learning and behavioral effects, changes in anti-oxidant enzyme activities, DNA damage, biochemical mechanisms of interaction, biological damage and, experimental approaches to validate these effects. As an outcome, we are compelled to confirm the existence of non-thermal effects of electromagnetic fields on living matter, which seem to occur at every level of investigation from molecular to epidemiological.
An urgent task before international researchers is to discover the detailed mechanisms of non-thermal interactions between electromagnetic fields and living matter. A collateral consequence will be the design of new general public and occupational protection standards. We, who are at the forefront of this research, encourage an ethical approach in setting of exposure standards which protect the health of all, including those who are more vulnerable. We recognize the need for research to reveal the critical exposure parameters of effect and risk from exposure to electromagnetic fields.
The non-ionizing radiation protection standards recommended by international standards organizations, and supported by the World Health Organization, are inadequate. Existing guidelines are based on results from acute exposure studies and only thermal effects are considered. A world wide application of the Precautionary Principle is required. In addition, new standards should be developed to take various physiological conditions into consideration, e.g., pregnancy, newborns, children, and elderly people.
We take exception to the claim of the wireless communication industry that there is no credible scientific evidence to conclude there a risk. Recent epidemiological evidence is stronger than before, which is a further reason to justify precautions be taken to lower exposure standards in accordance with the Precautionary Principle.
We recognize the growing public health problem known as electrohypersensitivity; that this adverse health condition can be quite disabling; and, that this condition requires further urgent investigation and recognition.
We strongly advise limited use of cell phones, and other similar devices, by young children and teenagers, and we call upon governments to apply the Precautionary Principle as an interim measure while more biologically relevant standards are developed to protect against, not only the absorption of electromagnetic energy by the head, but also adverse effects of the signals on biochemistry, physiology and electrical biorhythms.
Contact: Elizabeth Kelley, Managing Secretariat, International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, info@icems.eu
Pasquale Avino, Italian National Institute for Prevention & Worker Safety, Rome, Italy
Alessandro d’Alessandro, ICEMS, M.D. Benevento, Italy
Angelico Bedini, Italian National Institute for Prevention and Worker Safety, Rome, Italy
Igor Belyaev, Associate Professor in Toxicological Genetics, Dept. of Genetics, Microbiology and Toxicology,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Fiorella Belpoggi, ICEMS, Vice Scientific Director, European Foundation for Oncology & Environmental
Sciences "B. Ramazzini". Bologna, Italy
Carl Blackman, ICEMS; President, Bioelectromagnetics Society (1990-91), Raleigh, NC, USA
Martin Blank, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University, New York, USA
Natalia Bobkova, ICEMS, Institute of Cell Biophysics, Pushchino, Moscow Region
Bill Bruno, Theoretical biophysics, earned at Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Zhaojin Cao, National Institute Environmental Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control, China
Simona Carrubba, PhD, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA.
Catarina Cinti, ICEMS, Director, National Research Center, Institute of Clinical Physiology, Siena, Italy
Mauro Cristaldi, Dip, B.A.U. Universita degli Studi "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia
Suleyman Dasdag, Biophysics Department of Medical School, Dicle University, Diyarbakir,Turkey
Devra Lee Davis, PhD, MPH Director, Ctr. Environmental Oncology, Univ.Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
Prof. Dept. Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, Univ.Pittsburgh, USA
Antonella De Ninno, ICEMS, Italian National Agency, Energy, Environment & Technology, Frascati, Italy
Emilio Del Giudice, ICEMS, International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany
Alvaro de Salles, ICEMS, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Sandy Doull, Consultant, Noel Arnold & Associates, Box Hill VIC, Australia
Christos Georgiou, ICEMS, Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biology. University of Patras, Greece
Dr. Claudio Gómez-Perretta, MD, Chief of Section, Research Center, University Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain
Reba Goodman, Prof. Emeritus, Clinical Pathology, Columbia University, New York, New York USA
Settimo Grimaldi, ICEMS, Inst. Neurobiology & Molecular Medicine, National Research, Rome, Italy
Livio Giuliani, ICEMS Spokesman; Deputy Director, Nat. Inst. Prevention & Worker Safety, East Veneto & South Tirol,
Camerino University. Italy
Lennart Hardell, ICEMS, Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden
Magda Havas, ICEMS, Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, Ontario, Canada
Gerard Hyland, ICEMS, International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany
Florian M. Koenig, D.Sc., ICEMS, Germering, Director, FKE Sferics Research Institute, Germering, Germany.
Antonella Lisi, ICEMS Inst. Neurobiology & Molecular Medicine, National Research Council, Rome, Italy
Louisanna Ieradi, Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi C.N.R., Roma, Italia
Olle Johansson, Assoc. Prof. The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience,
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
Vini G. Khurana, Neurosurgeon, Canberra Hospital and Assoc. Prof. of Neurosurgery,
Australian National University Medical School
Henry Lai, ICEMS, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Lukas Margaritas, Professor of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Athens University, Athens, Greece
Fiorenzo Marinelli, ICEMS, Institute of Molecular Genetics National Research Council, Bologna Italy.
Andrew A. Marino, Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery; Louisiana State University; Shreveport, Louisiana, USA
Vera Markovic, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Nis, Serbia
Ed Maxey, M.D. retired surgeon, Fayetteville Arkansas
Gerd Oberfeld, Public Health Department, Salzburg State Government, Salzburg, Austria and Speaker for
Environmental Medicine for the Austrian Medical Association, Vienna, Austria
Jerry Phillips, Director, Science Learning Center, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colo. USA
Elihu Richter, ICEMS, Head, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah, Israel
Leif Salford, ICEMS, Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Lund University, Sweden
Massimo Scalia, Professor, Evolution Models in Applied Sciences, Mathematical Physical and Natural Science,
University of "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
Nesrin Seyhan, ICEMS, Head, Department of Biophysics; Director, Gazi NIRP Center, Ankara, Turkey
Zamir Shalita, Consultant on Electromagnetic Hazards, Ramat Gan, Israel
Morando Soffritti, ICEMS, Scientific Director, European Foundation for Oncology & Environmental
Sciences, "B. Ramazzini", Bologna, Italy
Stanley Szmigielski, ICEMS, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland
Ion Udroiu, Italian National Institute for Prevention & Worker Safety, Rome, Italy
Clarbruno Verduccio, Prof. Lt. Col. Commander C.F, Marine Military, La Spezia. Italy
Mehmet Zeyrek, Professor of Physics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Mikhail Zhadin, ICEMS, Honorary Scientist of Russian Federation, Institute of Cell Biophysics, Pushchino, Russia
Stylianos Zinelis, M.D., ICEMS, Vice President, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefalonia, Greece
Anna Zucchero, ICEMS, MD, Internal Medicine Department. Venice-Mestre Hospital, Venice, Italy
Additional signers who are qualified but have not published EMF papers or published prior to 2000.
Stéphane Egot-Lemaire, Temple University, School of Medicine, Center for Biomedical Physics, Pennsylvania USA.
Andrew Goldsworthy, Lecturer in Biology (retired), Imperial College London.
Sarah J. Starkey, PhD, Neuroscience, University of London, London, United Kingdom.
Disclaimer statement: The signatories to these resolutions, have signed as individuals, giving their professional affiliations, but this does not necessarily mean that this represents the views of their employers or the professional organizations they are affiliated with.
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The Benevento Resolution
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The Signers of the Benevento Resolution with Biographical Statements
1. Fiorella Belpoggi, European Foundadion for Oncology & Environmental Sciences, B.Ramazzini, Bologna, Italy
2. Carl F. Blackman, President, Bioelectromagnetics Society (1990-91), Raleigh, NC, USA
3. Martin Blank, Department of Physiology, Columbia University, New York, USA
4. Natalia Bobkova, Institute of Cell Biophysics, Pushchino, Moscow Region
5. Francesco Boella, National Inst. Prevention & Worker Safety, Venice, Italy
6. Zhaojin Cao, National Institute Environmental Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control, China
7. Sandro D’Alessandro, Physician, Mayor of Benevento, Italy, (2001-2006)
8. Enrico D’Emilia, National Institute for Prevention and Worker Safety, Monteporzio, Italy
9. Emilio Del Giudice, National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Milan, Italy
10. Antonella De Ninno, Italian National Agency For Energy, Environment & Technology, Frascati, Italy
11. Alvaro A. De Salles, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
12. Livio Giuliani, East Veneto&South Triol, National Inst. Prevention & Worker Safety, Camerino University
13. Yury Grigoryev, Institute of Biophysics; Chairman, Russian National Committee NIERP
14. Settimo Grimaldi, Inst. Neurobiology & Molecular Medicine, National Research, Rome, Italy
15. Lennart Hardell, Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden
16. Magda Havas, Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, Ontario, Canada
17. Gerard Hyland, Warwick University, UK; International Inst. Biophysics, Germany; EM Radiation Trust, UK
18. Olle Johansson, Experimental Dermatology Unit, Neuroscience Department, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
19. Henry C. Lai, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
20. Mario Ledda, Inst. Neurobiology & Molecular Medicine, National Council for Research, Rome, Italy
21. Yi-Ping Lin, Center of Health Risk Assessment & Policy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
22. Antonella Lisi, Inst. Neurobiology & Molecular Medicine, National Research Council, Rome, Italy
23. Fiorenzo Marinelli, Institute of Immunocytology, National Research Council, Bologna, Italy
24. Elihu Richter, Head, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah, Israel
25. Emanuela Rosola, Inst. Neurobiology & Molecular Medicine, National Research Council, Rome, Italy
26. Leif Salford, Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Lund University, Sweden
27. Nesrin Seyhan, Head, Department of Biophysics; Director, Gazi NIRP Center, Ankara, Turkey
28. Morando Soffritti, Scientific Director, European Foundation for Oncology & Environmental Sciences, B. Ramazzini, Bologna, Italy
29. Stanislaw Szmigielski, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland
30. Mikhail Zhadin, Institute of Cell Biophysics, Pushchino, Moscow Region
Additional signers after September 19, 2006 :
Igor Y. Belyaev, Dept. Genetics, Microbiology and Toxicology, Arrhenius Laboratories for Natural Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
William J. Bruno, Ph.D., Theoretical Biophysics, awarded by Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Mauro Cristaldi, Dip, B.A.U. Universita degli Studi "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia
Suleyman Dasdag, Biophysics Department of Medical School, Dicle University, Diyarbakir, Turkey
Sandy Doull, Consultant, Noel Arnold & Associates, Box Hill VIC, Australia
Christos D. Georgiou, Assoc. Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, University of Patras, Greece
Reba Goodman, Prof. Emeritus, Clinical Pathology, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
Luisa Anna Ieradi, Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi C.N.R., Roma, Italia
Michael Kundi, Head, Institute Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Angelo Gino Levis, Professor Emeritus, Environmental Oncology, Padua University, Italy
Lukas H. Margaritis, Professor of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Athens University, Athens, Greece
Vera Markovic, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Nis, Serbia
Gerd Oberfeld, Federal Salzburg Government. National Medical Management, Public Health Hygiene and Environmental Health, Salzburg, Austria
Jerry L. Phillips, Professor, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Zamir Shalita, Consultant on Electromagnetic Hazards, Ramat Gan, Israel
E. Stanton Maxey, M.D. retired surgeon, Fayetteville Arkansas (interactive presentation)
Ion Udroiu, Dip. B.A.U., Università degli Studi "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia
Mehmet Zeyrek, Prof., Physics Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Stelios A Zinelis M.D., Vice President, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefallonia, Greece
Additional signers who are qualified but have not published EMF papers or published prior to 2000.
Andrew Goldsworthy, Lecturer in Biology (retired), Imperial College London.
Sarah J. Starkey, PhD, Neuroscience, University of London, London, United Kingdom
The Catania Resolution, September 2002